"GOJO SATORU" One of the strongest and handsome character in anime. Who won heart of many people and I think You probably didn't know these 10 Interesting facts about gojo Satoru:-

1:AGE MYSTERY:-Despite by his look he looks very young but in anime noone revealed his real age. Some people said gojo was 20-24 years old but some people also say gojo can be over 30.

2:GOJO LOVE AFFAIRS:-You have probably think that gojo is in relationship with someone. But my friend "Gege Akutami" the creator of "Jujutsu kaisen Said that gojo isn't in relationship with anyone because of his behaviour of not being in relationship more than 1 month. That means Girls you still have chance. 😜 

3:BLINDFOLD SECRET:-Gojo blindfold isn't only for show. It suppress the power of gojo curse energy and doesn't let his curse energy leak. "This was secret between us Promise me"  That gojo use the blindfold after his best friend geto die. Don't let anyone know about thisπŸ™.

4:MOMENT WHEN GOJO GONE IN DEPRESSION:-When geto became evil and left Jujutsu high. You know that gojo went and try to stop/kill geto but he fail/can't. After that gojo gone in depression thinking that if he can't save his bestfriend how can he save normal people.This doesn't mean geto didn't care about gojo he always thinks about gojo and their happy moment that they do when they were in jujutsu high.

5:GOJO LIGHTNING FAST SPEED:-I think you didn't forget that moment when gojo was fighting jogo "f*ck "There name was so similar" When was we ya when gojo and jogo were fighting you notice that gojo went to yuji talk with him and take him back to battlefield. Gojo did this much because gojo agility was unmatchable to any character on Jujutsu kaisen except sukuna.

6:GOJO FAVOURITE FOODS:-In Jujutsu kaisen gojo favourite foods was sweets ya despite his look he was obsessed with sweets.Gojo take drugs of sugar. Joke from apart. Gojo love any sweets if it was sweet.

7:FASHION ICON:-Did you know Gojo unique style has influenced by real-life fashion trends, with fans gone crazy by his look.

8:GOJO LIMITLESS POWER:-Did you know in show gojo didn't even have cursed energy equal to yuta or sukuna despite of his cursed energy gojo use his cursed energy and Rct That we see gojo like he have unlimited cursed energy.

9:GOJO ISN'T POPULAR THAN GETO:-In Jujutsu world geto is more popular than gojo among girls."I don't know the exact reason but my research said that INTERESTING tell me why πŸ€”"

10:GOJO DEATH WAS PLANNED:-Did you know in early days when JJK wasn't published Gege wants a character which have to be excellent in everything. So that's why Gege create gojo and became gege favourite. But after sometime gojo became more popular than MC and because of gojo other characters didn't get their time on show and that's why Gege have to kill his own favourite character by his another favourite character "Sukuna" πŸ˜ƒ.

These were some interesting facts about "GOJO SATORU" you didn't know And if you love this article please comment. Let Google know that I also exit in this world.


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