In the World of One Piece, created by the Mastermind  Eiichiro Oda, mysteries abound just as much as adventure. From the Grand Line to the New World, fans have been enthralled by the journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew as they seek the  treasure where all pirate wants to have the One Piece, and the mysteries that shroud it.There are so much unsolved mystery in one piece.Here we know the 10 unsolved mysteries of One Piece that have kept fans speculating for years.

1.The Void Century: Perhaps the most significant mystery in One Piece, the Void Century remains shrouded in secrecy. What happened in this century, and why was it erased from history? No one knows about that.

2.The Will of D: The "D" initial holds immense will power in the world of One Piece, with several characters have it in their names. What does it signify? Is it a bloodline, a destiny, or something more profound? In the series we only know that "D" will people are those people who fought with god but why they fought? Noone knows the answer 

3.The Ancient Weapons: Three legendary weapons, Poseidon, Pluton, and Uranus, are said to hold so much power capable of reshaping the world or even destroy the world. While Poseidon's identity has been revealed, the where Pluton and the existence of Uranus remain mysteries.We also Don't know why I'm was targeting Shirahoshi "The ancient weapon"?

4.The True Power of Devil Fruits:Devil fruit got birth by people wishes "according to Dr Vegapunk" but also Devil Fruits grant incredible abilities to those who consume them And we still don't know how were they created, and what connection do they have to the world's mysteries?

5.The One Piece Treasure: What exactly is the One Piece, and where is it hidden?Some fan says it wasn't an actual treasure it was friendship.But we didn't know but also the creator of one piece oda says it was the biggest treasure in one piece.

6.The Void Century Poneglyphs: The Poneglyphs scattered throughout the world hold crucial information about the Void Century.We only knew that it were made on ancient wano.

7.Joy Boy's Promise: We don't even know who is joyboy and also his promise was beyond our imagination.

8.Imu's Identity and Agenda: Imu the mysterious figure who sits in top of the World Government hierarchy, remains  in mystery. What are his/her true motives? And does it is possible that Imu is the one who killed joyboy?

9.Multiple moon: In one piece world it says that there were multiple moon. We can see it on Ohara globe where we can see there were 6 moons around one piece world. Where those moon from and why did oda indicate moon so much? Noone knows but it can be possible that the last battle or the mystery of void century can be known by enel and Luffy and his grand fleet went to moon to know the secret of void century.

10.Grand line: A mountain for rocks where celestial dragon lives,which divide the one piece world.How it come no one knows about it. Some fan believe it was done by Imu some doesn't.

These were some Top 10 unsolved mysteries in one piece...


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